
Serious photography has become a trend in the modern day. With well-established manufacturers like Nikon, Canon and Sony producing consumer-level DSLRs priced at an affordable price into the market, the barriers of taking pro-like images have significantly been reduced. But, at a point in time, people's passion for photography will start to grow, and the hunger to become a better photographer will also increase. The right photography equipment will be needed for this matter, but photography equipment are not cheap. 

Or are they?

Don't get your hopes down people, where there's a will, there'a way. And YES, there are affordable photography equipment on the market.

This blog's objective is to provide and share information to the general public who have a passion for photography but have a very strict budget. This blog will prove that you don't need high-end, top brands, expensive equipment, to produce pro-like equipment. Yes, investment is needed, but not to the extent of having to sell one of your siblings. 

This blog will provide honest, down-to-earth, first-hand experience and reviews regarding the best budget equipment you can use to produce professional looking images. The wordings used in these reviews are simple and not too technical for even the most novice of photographers to understand. These photography equipment are not professionally, detailed or thoroughly tested. I review them based on first-hand and in-the-field experience. My reviews are my honest, unbiased opinions about a particular equipment.


Izzat Farid
(Non-Professional Photographer)